Discover diverse tech careers and a few of the women who make up these spaces. Explore paths and opportunities, uncovering hidden possibilities in the ever-evolving tech world!
Explorations |
How to Navigate |
How to Pursue |
Traditional Fields (U.S. Census Categories)
Emerging or Interdisciplinary Fields
Interactions includes lessons on Digital Literacies, communicating & collaborating online, as well as navigating social media and online communities.
Explorations |
How to Use |
How to Build |
D1.2 |
D2.2 |
D3.1 |
D3.2 |
D4.1 |
D4.2 |
Note: These images were generated through a collaborative effort, incorporating valuable insights from contributors, using the definition of digital literacies as described by Dr. Tisha Lewis Ellison ([Lewis,] 2009), prompt engineering and editing by Dr. Jordan, and the assistance of Napkin AI for visual storytelling.
Content Sense Making includes the "stuff" that people produce, consume and learn. Here you will find lessons on Media Literacy, Digital Citizenship, and Critical Thinking & Research Skills.
Explorations |
How to Use |
How to Build |
M1.0 |
M1.1 |
M1.2 |
M2.0 |
M2.1 |
M2.2 |
M3.0 |
M3.1 |
M3.2 |
M4.0 |
M4.1 |
M4.2 |
Technology is an infinite topic. However, this section provides lessons on a select few: Hardware, Software & Applications, and Coding & Programming.
Explorations |
How to Use |
How to Build |
T1.0 |
T1.1 |
T1.2 |
T2.0 |
T2.1 |
T2.2 |
T3.0 |
T3.1 |
T3.2 |
T4.0 |
T4.1 |
T4.2 |